I want to commit myself to yoga more. When I had anxiety issues, yoga played a huge role in helping to get them under control. I feel much more at ease when I do yoga on a regular basis. I need to start getting healthier and yoga is a wonderful tool to improving one's physical well-being.
So what's my problem? I have no initiative. I can't get moving. I know I should. I have 3 or 4 DVDs and I have a friend that comes with me to classes (which I prefer). Why don't I do it?
I challenge you, my readers. If I know people are watching me, then I might find the motivation. The goal? A 30 day yoga challenge, as it were. It doesn't have to be long but I want to do a yoga practice each day. Is anyone out there? If you are, let me know and shame me into actually committing to this challenge! ;) I'll share my revelations along the way. :)
Get your butt to yoga... I'm watching you! B-)