Oh, forums. I have a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand, I've gotten some great information, insight and even friends on one forum in particular. They can be very intimidating places for outsiders on the other.
I almost posted on one last night. I wanted some information, but couldn't figure out how to get this information. I figured a forum focused on those living in Japan was the perfect place to get this info. I was wrong! I almost posted without having read any of the comments and getting a feel for the place. I know better and stopped mid post and took a look around. That was all I needed to feel like my currents of applying to the JET program and moving there for a year with my family was the worst decision I could ever make. Sigh. Thank goodness I didn't post, though! And I did end up finding a seemingly more supportive environment to ask my question. (Although I'm still waiting for my registration to be accepted - probably why there are fewer trolls!)
I confided in my husband and he reminded me that, unfortunately, forums can tend to attract those who are extremely unhappy with their lot in life, while (especially with the particular forum that I was reading) those who are content are off doing things that make them happy. Which is not surfing the web. ;)
So, today I'm feeling less confident but my husband won't let me give up. I still cannot get started on my application as the form is not available. As soon as it's out, I'll start working on it. And things will seem a lot more real. Eep!
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