November 5, 2011


I've been reading about meditation. (I've mentioned that, haven't I?)

You use your breath as an anchor - a way to keep you present. Focus on the breath without forcing it. Stay present. Realize when you've wondered off and started planning dinner, take note and come back.

What I have trouble with is focusing on the breath without forcing it. I was heartened to learn that straying from the concentration on the breath is extremely normal, especially at the beginning. And it is a sign of progression. Before, you wouldn't even notice that your mind had strayed.

I approached my yoga teacher and asked her about focusing on the breath. She told me that just asking the question is a good sign. I'll take her word for it. ;) She had no advice, except to keep going. I will try. Are you with me?

I'd love to hear from somebody who is already practising meditation - just your experiences with the practise. Once I gather up my courage to start, I'll share my experience here. I promise.


November 2, 2011

More fighting than peacing...

It's been awhile.

I've been busy but at the same time, I haven't been busy at all. I'm in the final stages of the application process. I have collected my reference letters and just have to finish the essay. The essay is proving difficult as I haven't written one of those in 10 years.

But that's it really. I've been doing a lot of reading. I've been reading about mindfulness and meditation. I've learned a lot. But I haven't been able to make the leap from reading to practice. I'm finding that I always have another excuse. Right now, the excuses are 1) I'm tired (which is a laughable excuse not to MEDITATE!) 2) I haven't finished the book yet. Also laughable since the book came with a guided meditation CD. I have no excuses.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll start tonight?