August 30, 2011

The Power of Om

Deep breaths, deep breaths, deeeeeeeeep breaths.
*chanting* I accept suffering as a part of life. Life is suffering. I will not be bothered by inconsequential things.
Crap. I am bothered. This is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. We have a new to us house. It's the same age as I am. Thank goodness I'm in better shape than this house! We discovered a pretty big problem in our ensuite last night. The bathroom is not in great shape, but in keeping with my new outlook on life that not everything has to be shiny and new, I decided that I didn't care about the bathroom. As long as things are up to code, I'm happy.
Enter tub that drains into our family room. That does not make me happy! This is not supposed to be a blog about my house though, so how does this affect our plans to go to Japan?
Not being doctors or lawyers and having a tendency to like to and to go on trips, we don't have a huge nest egg built up. A bit. Part of The Plan is that my husband will be able to stay home with the little guy for the year that we are away. So not re-doing the bathroom was a strategic step to help save up as much as possible for this crazy adventure. We need to be able to cover our butts in case we don't find renters, etc.
And who wouldn't be annoyed by a tub that drains into their living room??? :p
So, I'm practising taking this in stride. We'll make calls, find out what to do in order to fix the situation and take whatever steps necessary to make this crazy plan work!
There, that's better. ;) 

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